Friday, October 17, 2014

Be Careful Who You Trust
     On Friday, October 17, 2014, the The Atlantic website had an article, "Doctors Tell All - And It's Bad:. by Meghan O'Rourke.  It is put together to appear to criticize treatment of patients by physicians, but it comes off more as an attempted exoneration.  We wrote the following comment and placed it in the blog.
Just about every excuse in the book is offered for doctors failing their patients.
The fact is, there is one and only one reason, the age old cause of betrayal, greed,
How many know that no more than half of all “medical” schools, anymore, administer the Hippocratic Oath? “First do no harm”, does not seem to mean anything to many, many “doctors” around now!
“Doctors”, hospitals, insurance companies, “drug” companies, lawyers, the courts, all a single massive swindle. And, as with so many swindles, which many if not most don't ever realize, a major tactic is to do only half the work and let the sucker, the pigeon, the mark carry out the crucial second half of stupidly convincing themselves that the liar is telling the truth. Even while the liar wears a huge sign saying “Liar!”
So many don't even realize, even as they are doing it, that, among other things, they are giving their business, over and over and over again to a “profession” that fails them each and every time!
The article itself begins with Meghan O'Rourke chronicling how she went for examination after examination, test after test, treatment after treatment, surgery after surgery. None of them doing any good, each leaving her worse off, yet, each time, she was willingly going back for more! If a brand of bread was that reliably bad, most would swear off after no more than three, maybe two, tries! It's a monopoly by the “doctors”, by the “healthcare” industry. A monopoly of trust! If someone had a monopoly of bread making and produced such poor product, they would be left outright. The “health” industry experiences an inexhaustible wellspring of reliance. They never have to produce to keep certain segments on the hook for decade after decade! Always waiting for when things go right!
The pigeons doing half the work, convincing themselves they aren't being lied to!
“Doctors”, “drug” companies, hospitals, corrupt insurance carriers, lawyers, the “courts”, an Iron Triangle geared against the welfare of the public.
“Drug” companies recycling petrochemical waste into “medications”, relying on the placebo effect and a hefty set of legal disclaimers, in fine print on the inserts that most if not all throw away, to protect them from litigation.
“Doctors” accepting the requirement, set down by the crooked insurers, that, if they want them pay for treatment, they must utilize the “most conservative” treatment first, even if it doesn't help, even if it delays application of the correct treatment beyond where it would be useful, even if it actually harms the patient more! How many people realize that just uttering the word “insurance” in a trial could be grounds for declaring a mistrial, because, presumably, everyone has had experience with insurance treating them like dirt?
“Doctors” accepting bribes, literally, ranging from office supplies to vacations camouflaged as “seminars” for misprescribing the newest toxins called “medications” where they aren't even necessarily proved to work!
The notorious process suspiciously self exonertingly named the “Independent Medical Examination” during which a “doctor” for the defense in an accident case “examines” the plaintiff, then declares that, if they didn't have a physical five minutes before the accident, it is not possible to conclude that the crushed legs they crawled away with weren't a “preexisting condition”!
Lawyers aiming clients injured in accidents to “pain management” outfits, that specialize just in “painkillers”; “epidurals” into the spinal column, which can transmit disease or even render the individual paralyzed; antidepressants and “physical therapy”. All of which are all but guaranteed not to work! The fact many if not most do not know is that the source of an extraordinary preponderence of pain is a herniated disc! All the nerves in the body travel through the spinal column. A herniated or bulging disc can put pressure on nerves which generates a sensation of discomfort or pain. A phantom pain. Orthopedists told about pain will inevitably only look at bones, not even muscles. Rheumatologists will blame muscles, not bulging discs. And, even if they see nothing on x-rays or MRI's are not necessarily kept from declaring something present! Rheumatoligists will say pain never shows up, so they wouldn't find it on an MRI, but it must be there because that's what the patient is feeling. An orthopedist would not be beyond pointing out even a flaw in the emulsion of an x-ray negative as “arthritis”! After all, so many are guaranteed to trust their “doctors” no matter how many mistakes they makes! It doesn't help that, which many also don't know, the brain not only senses conditions in the body, it can react! It can initiate fluid build up, inflammation in response to what it perceives as a genuine pain, not a phantom sensation! And, because many don't know this, when their body reacts, they “conclude” it must be due to a real condition! Chiropractic with an emphasis on spinal decompression and traction can solve the problem all but immediately. But it has a major drawback, it's not expensive! The plaintiff attorney stands to make a killing if they can get their client hooked onto a massive program of extremely costly procedures! Tests, examinations and that cash cow, spinal surgery! A surgeon can chop away at an individual's body going after something that isn't there, doing something hideously destructive, like a “spinal fusion”, connecting two vertebrae together, with a plate and screws leaving the individual's back so inflexible, they can't even clean themselves after going to the bathroom and need someone else to help them! And this won't help, because it's not necessarily intended to! The patient is in the same pain, if not more, then they get massive prescriptions of “pain killers” and “anti depressants”, for the rest of their lives, maybe more surgery! And, instead of a $15,000 settlement, aided by chiropractic, the patient has $1 million in their suit, including pain and suffering they never needed to have, and their lawyer walks away chuckling with more than a quarter million dollars as their fee! Lawyers don't have an oath that says, “First do no harm”!
Just today, the Herald News in New Jersey had an article, Doctors arrested in kickback scheme” in which seven orthopedists and internal medicine practitioners were officially found to have received at least $30,000 on average a piece in kickbacks, and probably a great deal more, for unnecessarily steering individuals with likely minor herniated discs for massive and expensive “diagnostic procedures”!
Incidentally, which many also don't seem to know, once you've had a surgical procedure, a chiropractor won't touch you. They can't. Your body is no longer normal and so won't respond to chiropractic! None of them are warned, ahead of time, by their lawyers, to try spinal decompression, first. Because the lawyers know how likely chiropractic is to solve such problems, and bring in a measly fee for them!
The scam of the “minimally invasive procedure” for back pain. The incision may be small, but they don't address the wholesale Army Corps of Engineers restructuring they'll do to your spine once on the inside! That's why they advertise it as “minimally invasive”, to convince the dullards that they won't do anything big on the inside! How many are even encumbered by the size of a surgical scar on their back?
In the face of this, things like hospitals charging $10 for an aspirin tablet looks like chicken feed!
The fact of the matter is, any who choose to trust doctors, lawyers, insurers are endangering themselves in ways that can make them suffer forever!