And Herniated Disks
often, when someone is swindled, it's a collaborative effort. A
cooperation between the swindler, carrying out the scam, and,
frankly, the “pigeon” doing their level best not to protect
themselves from being scammed. It's tragic, often, to think about
how vulnerable so many people leave themselves to being taken.
Trusting anyone who has a diploma, as if that automatically makes
them truthful, or if they just claim to have a diploma, or if they
wear a white lab coat. Having no better than a tangential
familiarity with understanding of the world. Failing regularly to
assess claims made to see if they make sense or have any connection
with reality.
many, going to a doctor, or “doctor”, with a rhinovirus,
prescribed an antibiotic, were still sick a week later? Not all
antibiotics are the same, and a rule of thumb is that the right
antibiotic should provide measurable if not significant improvement
within only a few hours! Sometimes, it can be as short as half an
hour to an hour and a half. Four hours is the average. If you
aren't feeling a great deal better by the next day, it's not the
right antibiotic. But, tell the truth and shame The Evil One, how
many had their “doctors” inform them of that? How many saw no
sign of concern from their “doctor” when their antibiotic regimen
lasted a week or more with no improvement? How many have gone a
couple of weeks on antibiotics and felt no relief and ended up
“justifying” that to themselves saying a cold will necessarily
take a week to leave? How many have gone for weeks without
improvement from their antibiotic yet failed to put two and two
together to realize that that means it's not the right medication?
How many have gone for weeks without their rhinovirus clearing up
without realizing that that could lead to pneumonia and, at the very
least, scar their lungs if not kill them? How many take the
straightforward step of demanding their “doctor” actually provide
some kind of service rather than just assume they must be doing good
even though their patient is dying?
many know that antibiotics don't have targets of what to affect, they
kill everything, all free-living organisms, even bacteria in the gut.
And how many know that the bacteria in the gut play a crucial role
both in digestion and protecting the gut during digestion? Even
moderately long use of antibiotics can result in damage to the GI
tract. How many “doctors” letting someone go a week or more with
a wrong antibiotic warn them about that?
then, how many ”pigeons” even think to put their “doctors” on
the spot? Tell the truth and shame The Evil One, how many had their
“doctor's” treatment fail, but didn't blame the “doctor”?
How many said, “Well, they're a doctor so they must know
everything! It can't be their fault?” How many blamed themselves
for their “doctor's” treatment regimen failing?
many got a flu shot and promptly developed serious symptoms, such as
pneumonia or sinusitis for six weeks? How many of their “doctors”
warned them ahead of time that many vaccines are cultured in eggs,
and, if you have an egg allergy, such a shot can affect you
adversely? How many people don't even know they're allergic to eggs?
many know that, in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood
Vaccine Injury Act which, among other things, acknowledges the real,
measurable likelihood that vaccines declared “safe” and
“necessary” can do anything from cause brain damage in a child to
kill them and the Act frees them from any and all liability
whatsoever? There is a federally funded compensation fund
supposedly available, but to the extent that most vaccines are
ordered as mandatory by the “government” and it's a rule of law
that you can't sue the “government”, it's not surprising that
two-thirds of all claims apparently get nothing, and, of those that
do, most only get token payments. “Doctors” are required to
provide parents with Vaccine Information Statements before every
vaccination, but they apparently aren't required to tell parents how
important it is to read the Statement, the monstrous truths about the
vaccine the Statements will provide. And, no matter how horrible the
effects the Statement describes, if the vaccine is mandated, you
still have to let your child receive it!
dealing with “doctors”, among other things, it's crucial to
remind yourself just how high a failure rate “medicine” does
have, but doesn't advertise! In the end, as with car mechanics who
may fix a problem but then damage something else that was in good
shape so you have to come back and software engineers who
deliberately insert holes in software and systems to allow
infiltration and compromise your computer, if you aren't going to
make yourself an expert so the others are merely consultants to your
opinion, then at least remember to beware them all! Make them earn
your trust, make them keep having to earn your trust.
being conned by the fibromyalgia swindle, a large part comes from
people not knowing how things works. They look for superficial
“answers”, even if it's two things acting simultaneously but
having no connection. Then, frighteningly, many actually have the
ability to self-hypnotize themselves into thinking that that
connection always exists and only that connection exists, so if
something else is more effectively demonstrated to have a connection,
they won't believe, they can't believe it!
take a drug and get one or two symptoms of fibromyalgia, then
“conclude” that that drug is the cause of fibromyalgia. Someone
gets a temporary illness then shows signs of fibromyalgia and they
“decide” that that illness brought it about. Then they talk to
others and convince them and, finally, between illnesses, drugs,
accidents, they don't know what to think causes fibromyalgia!
Eventually, in the anti-reasoning tack so many seem to find so easy
to fall into, it becomes not a matter of trying to find out what the
cause is, merely to catalog all the different situations that others
who are deluding themselves think gave them fibromyalgia, even when
they only got one or two symptoms! Look to any forum or blog on
fibromyalgia and see all the many, many, many different
“explanations” for fibromyalgia from allergies to Legionnaire's
Disease to malnutrition to radiation treatments to leukemia to misuse
of steroids. Each comment can claim one, two, maybe even three
distinct symptoms of fibromyalgia and so they declare that that is
the cause. And so it never gets solved.
first step to getting an answer can involve simple common sense.
Fibromyalgia has twenty or more recognized symptoms, from trigger
point irritation to GI problems to muscle weakness to neuralgia to
“fibro fog”.
the name of all that makes sense, what can attack all those many
different areas simultaneously?
to say that something can't, but what and how? Will a single
chemical, geared to one system of the body hit all of those separate
systems? Can a germ that lodges in one part of the body, like the
sinuses, possibly cause such distinct effects everywhere throughout
the body?
there is one cause for fibromyalgia, it has to be something that has
a connection with every part of the body.
there is one.
from every part of the body enter the spine and travel along it to
get to the brain. There is not a single part of the body that does
not send information to the brain along nerve connections that go up
the vertebrae. And the brain reads all these signals.
what if those signals were spurious? What if an illegitimate signal
entered the brain? The brain has no way to know if a signal is true
or false, only the sensation that it represents. Erroneous signals
can produce sensations of heat, cold, electricity, even pain without
there being an actual cause present.
defining quality of fibromyalgia, sensation without obvious cause!
in fact, there is a condition which can give rise to this situation.
Vertebrae do not sit on top of each other, they have discs of
gelatinous material between them to allow them to flex. The nerve
fibers go through both the centers of the vertebrae and the centers
of the discs.
the case of a certain class of injury, though, vertebrae can be
forcibly dislodged, causing the disc between them to extrude. This
is known as a “herniated” or “bulging” disk. Vertebrae tend
to remain physically stable over a wide range of interactions that
can cause discs to dislodge, but, when the discs herniate, they
change their shape, they change their position.
more often than not, they end up pressing on the nerves going through
this pressure gives rise to the phantom signals that cause the many,
many sensations associated with fibromyalgia and for which no cause
is known!
different nerves tend to enter the spine at different points, you
could almost determine where an injury is based on the phantom
signals received. The spine is broken into three parts, the lumbar
being the lowest, near the hips; the thoracic lying toward the middle
of the trunk; and the cervical being the collection of vertebrae just
below the entrance to the skull. Nerves from the lower limbs tend
all to enter at the lumbar area, nerves from the trunk share space
with nerves from the lower limbs while traveling through the thoracic
spine, and the nerves highest on the trunk enter in the cervical
a result, all the nerves from every part of the body travel through
the cervical spine!
a result, an injury to the cervical spine, a dislocating of the discs
between any of the vertebrae, can produce phantom signals of pain
from everywhere on the body.
single source for sensations from legs to mid-back to the GI tract!
something else many do not realize, but which answers many questions.
brain is not solely passive. It can react! When the brain senses a
situation in a part of the body, even if that is a phantom sensation,
it can respond. Fluid buildup, inflammation, raising blood pressure
and body temperature. An entire panoply of real, actual conditions,
stimulated by a number of nonexistent ones!
you are dealing with a large number of disparate symptoms like these,
over many widely ranging parts of the body, all occurring from
individual to individual to individual, it seems that an issue of
cervical disc compression is the only answer.
an old tenet, “If something does not solve a situation, it's not a
solution for the situation”. Note the sheer, staggering
multiplicity of “treatments” and “methodologies” for
“handling fibromyalgia” that have not worked! Changing
medication, back surgery, TENS treatment, painkillers,
anti-depressants, epidural injections, acupuncture, pain management,
physical therapy, changing diet. Many don't realize that things like
antidepressants and painkillers can destroy your life as well as your
health, since they tend to eliminate all caring that leads to solving
all the other situations that can arise socially, financially, and so
on. People need to be vigilant about all that is going on about
them, at all times. But, in the area of “conventional
'medicine'”, alternative after alternative after alternative is
tried and brushed aside! But at no time is legitimate chiropractic
treatment for cervical disc compression ever mentioned! Yet the
“experts” automatically demand that the gullible believe that it
can't be the solution and so shouldn't even be discussed.
the unfortunates who, among other things, aggressively act the role
of the “pigeon”, not only accepting what the liars say but
literally incorporating it within their being! Tossing aside any
criticism of the lie when they hear it; driving any thoughts that
disprove the lie from their own head if they think of them; making a
career of intruding in conversations to pontificate the lie;
insinuating the essentials of the lie into their overall worldview
philosophy; and, vice versa, seeing everything they know or learn as
contributing to the “proof” that the lie they were told is valid.
Eventually, it comes almost as a physical kick to them to hear
anyone even question the lie; they cannot abide actual proof the lie
is a lie; they continue their devotion to the lie even after the
swindler admits that they were a crook.
even among the less drastically self delusional, the principle
remains true, no one holds “doctors” to a responsibility to
perform, much less succeed, and, even if the “doctor” fails
entirely, no one admits they failed.
all must work to recognize that we have to be able to think for
ourselves, decide for ourselves, act for ourselves, promote our
welfare over that of those charging us for “services”, be our own
best advocates. We must discern for ourselves our best options in
dealing with disc problems.
decompression can take a number of steps. Chiropractic, traction,
specialized decompressive therapy. It can also take a while finally
to have tangible results, but it's better than no results no matter
how long you wait. In general, you should feel some significant
improvement almost immediately, but it can take up to a year for most
symptoms to dissipate. And it is a matter of maintenance. You have
to be prepared to answer any changes with treatment, you have to keep
up a regimen of common sense actions. You must guard your health,
eat right, exercise and be well rested.
the next article, we will help you with some suggestions on relieving
some of the symptoms.
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